Task Processing Deep Dive
Tasks in JorEl are powerful abstractions that represent conversations with agents. This guide explores advanced task concepts and features.
Task Lifecycle
A task goes through several states during its lifecycle:
type TaskExecutionStatus = "pending" | "running" | "halted" | "completed";
- Pending: Initial state after task creation
- Running: Task is being processed
- Halted: Task stopped due to limits, approvals, or errors
- Completed: Task finished successfully
Task Structure
A task consists of:
- Threads: Conversations between agents and users
- Events: Record of actions taken during processing
- State: Current status and processing information
- Statistics: Usage data and metrics
Understanding Threads
Each task has at least one thread (the main thread). Additional threads are created during delegation:
const task = await jorEl.team.createTask("What's the weather like?");
// The main thread is automatically created
// {
// id: "__main__",
// agentId: "weather_agent",
// messages: [/* conversation messages */],
// events: [/* thread events */],
// parentThreadId: null, // Main thread has no parent
// }
Event Tracking
Tasks track various events during processing:
const { events } = result.eventsWithStatistics;
// Events show the full processing history
for (const event of events) {
type: event.eventType, // 'generation' | 'toolUse' | 'delegation' | 'transfer'
action: event.action, // Human-readable description
timestamp: event.timestamp,
threadId: event.threadId,
messageId: event.messageId,
Step-by-Step Processing
While executeTask
is convenient, processing tasks step-by-step gives you more control:
const task = await jorEl.team.createTask(
"What's the weather in Sydney?"
let currentTask = task;
while (currentTask.status !== "completed" && currentTask.status !== "halted") {
// Process one step
currentTask = await jorEl.team.resumeTask(currentTask);
// Check the latest event
const event = currentTask.events[currentTask.events.length - 1];
// Handle different event types
switch (event.eventType) {
case "generation":
console.log("Agent generated a response");
case "toolUse":
console.log("Agent used a tool");
if (event.toolError) {
console.error("Tool error:", event.toolError);
case "delegation":
console.log("Agent delegated to:", event.delegateToAgentName);
case "transfer":
"Transfer from", event.fromAgentName,
"to", event.toAgentName
Tool Call Approvals
You can require approval for tool usage:
// Register tool with approval requirement
name: "send_email",
description: "Send an email to a user",
requiresConfirmation: true, // Requires approval
executor: sendEmail,
params: z.object({
to: z.string(),
subject: z.string(),
body: z.string(),
// Process task until approval needed
let currentTask = task;
while (currentTask.status !== "completed") {
currentTask = await jorEl.team.resumeTask(currentTask);
if (currentTask.status === "halted" &&
currentTask.haltReason === "approvalRequired") {
// Get pending tool calls
const toolCalls = currentTask.activeThread.latestMessage.toolCalls;
// Review and approve/reject each call
for (const call of toolCalls) {
if (call.approvalState === "requiresApproval") {
// Review the call
console.log("Tool:", call.request.function.name);
console.log("Args:", call.request.function.arguments);
// Approve or reject
if (confirmWithUser(call)) {
jorEl.team.tools.approveCalls(currentTask, call.id);
} else {
jorEl.team.tools.rejectCalls(currentTask, call.id);
// Resume processing
currentTask = await jorEl.team.resumeTask(currentTask);
Error Handling
Tasks can halt for various reasons:
type TaskExecutionHaltingReason =
| "maxIterations" // Too many processing steps
| "maxGenerations" // Too many LLM calls
| "maxDelegations" // Too many agent delegations
| "approvalRequired" // Tool needs approval
| "invalidState" // Task in invalid state
| "error" // General error
| "completed"; // Task completed
// Handle different halt reasons
if (task.status === "halted") {
switch (task.haltReason) {
case "maxIterations":
console.log("Task took too many steps");
case "maxGenerations":
console.log("Cost limit reached");
case "maxDelegations":
console.log("Too many delegations");
case "approvalRequired":
console.log("Tool needs approval");
case "invalidState":
console.log("Task in invalid state");
case "error":
console.log("Task error");
Serialization and Hydration
Tasks can be serialized for storage and hydrated for later use:
// Get task definition (for storage)
const definition = task.definition;
// {
// id: string;
// status: TaskExecutionStatus;
// threads: { [threadId: string]: ThreadDefinition };
// activeThreadId: string;
// stats: { generations: number; delegations: number };
// modified: boolean;
// haltReason: string | null;
// }
// Store the definition (e.g., in a database)
await db.tasks.save(definition);
// Later, hydrate the task
const storedDefinition = await db.tasks.get(taskId);
const hydratedTask = jorEl.team.hydrateTask(storedDefinition);
// Continue processing
const result = await jorEl.team.executeTask(hydratedTask);
This enables:
- Saving long-running tasks
- Implementing approval workflows
- Building user interfaces for task monitoring
- Creating task queues and job systems
Best Practices
- Appropriate Limits: Always set reasonable limits
const result = await jorEl.team.executeTask(task, {
limits: {
maxIterations: 10,
maxGenerations: 6,
maxDelegations: 2,
- Event Monitoring: Track events for debugging and monitoring
const { events, stats, tokens } = task.eventsWithStatistics;
- Error Recovery: Handle halted tasks appropriately
if (task.status === "halted") {
// Log the reason
console.log(`Task halted: ${task.haltReason}`);
// Take appropriate action
if (task.haltReason === "maxGenerations") {
// Maybe increase the limit and retry
task = await jorEl.team.executeTask(task, {
limits: { maxGenerations: 12 },
- Approval Workflows: Design clear approval processes
// Example approval workflow
async function processWithApprovals(task) {
while (task.status !== "completed") {
task = await jorEl.team.resumeTask(task);
if (task.status === "halted" &&
task.haltReason === "approvalRequired") {
await handleApprovals(task);
return task;
Next Steps
- Learn about Delegation between agents
- Explore Transfer of control