Working with Documents
JorEl allows you to provide context documents to inform the LLM's responses. Documents are structured pieces of information that can be referenced by the LLM during generation.
Quick Start
Here's a basic example of using documents with JorEl:
import { JorEl } from "jorel";
const jorEl = new JorEl({ openAI: true }); // Uses process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY
// Load document from local documentation files
const jorElIntro = await LlmDocument.fromFile("../../docs/docs/");
const jorElQuickStart = await LlmDocument.fromFile("../../docs/docs/");
// Generate the response with the documents as context
const response = await jorEl.text("Describe the main features of JorEl.", {
documents: [jorElIntro, jorElQuickStart],
systemMessage: "Be succinct"
Creating Documents
Basic Document
The simplest way to create a document is to pass an object with title
and content
const document = {
title: "Company Profile",
content: "Our company is a leading provider of...",
Full Document
Documents can include additional metadata:
const document = {
id: "doc-001", // Optional: Unique identifier
type: "article", // Optional: Document type (default: "text")
title: "Company Profile",
content: "Our company is a leading provider of...",
source: "", // Optional: Source URL or reference
attributes: { // Optional: Additional metadata
author: "John Doe",
date: "2024-03-20",
category: "business",
Using the LlmDocument Class
For more control, you can use the LlmDocument
class directly:
import { LlmDocument } from 'jorel';
// Create using constructor
const doc1 = new LlmDocument({
title: "Company Profile",
content: "Our company makes...",
// Create using static text method
const doc2 = LlmDocument.text("doc-002", {
title: "Product Catalog",
content: "Our products...",
Document Collections
Documents can be grouped into collections for better organization and control over how they're presented to the LLM.
Basic Collection
The simplest way to use a collection is to pass an array of documents:
const response = await jorEl.text("What products are available?", {
documents: [
title: "Product A",
content: "Description of product A...",
title: "Product B",
content: "Description of product B...",
Using LlmDocumentCollection
For more control over how documents are formatted, use the LlmDocumentCollection
import { LlmDocumentCollection } from 'jorel';
const collection = new LlmDocumentCollection([
title: "Product A",
content: "Description of product A...",
title: "Product B",
content: "Description of product B...",
], {
documentToText: "xml", // Default format
Document Formatting
JorEl supports different formats for presenting documents to the LLM:
XML Format (Default)
const collection = new LlmDocumentCollection(documents, {
documentToText: "xml",
// Results in:
// <Documents>
// <Document id="doc1" title="Product A">
// Description of product A...
// </Document>
// <Document id="doc2" title="Product B">
// Description of product B...
// </Document>
// </Documents>
JSON Format
const collection = new LlmDocumentCollection(documents, {
documentToText: "json",
// Results in JSON representation of documents
Custom Format
const collection = new LlmDocumentCollection(documents, {
documentToText: {
template: "Document {{id}}: {{title}}\n{{content}}",
separator: "\n---\n",
// Results in:
// Document 1: Product A
// Description of product A...
// ---
// Document 2: Product B
// Description of product B...
Advanced Usage
Managing Collections
const collection = new LlmDocumentCollection();
// Add documents
collection.add(new LlmDocument({
title: "Product A",
content: "Description...",
// Get document by ID
const doc = collection.get("doc-001");
// Remove document
// Get all documents
const allDocs = collection.all;
Custom System Messages
You can customize how documents are presented in the system message:
const response = await jorEl.text("What products are available?", {
documents: collection,
documentSystemMessage: "Here are some relevant documents to consider: {{documents}}",
With Tools and Images
Documents can be used alongside other JorEl features:
const response = await jorEl.text(
["What is the price of this product?", image],
documents: [{
title: "Price List",
content: "Product A: $100\nProduct B: $200",
tools: [{
name: "format_price",
description: "Format price in requested currency",
executor: formatPrice,
params: z.object({
amount: z.number(),
currency: z.string(),
Documents and collections can be easily serialized:
// Get document definition
const docDef = document.definition;
// Get collection definition
const collectionDef = collection.definition;
// Create from JSON
const newCollection = LlmDocumentCollection.fromJSON(collectionDef);