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Using Tools

Tools allow LLMs to perform actions or retrieve information during conversations. JorEl provides a flexible system for defining and using tools.

Quick Start

Here's a basic example of using a tool with JorEl:

import { JorEl } from 'jorel';
import { z } from 'zod';

const jorEl = new JorEl({
openAI: true, // Will use OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable

// Define and use a tool
const response = await jorEl.text("What's the weather in Sydney?", {
tools: [{
name: "get_weather",
description: "Get the current weather for a city",
executor: async ({ city }) => {
// Simulate weather API call
return { temperature: 22, conditions: "sunny" };
params: z.object({
city: z.string(),

// The current weather in Sydney is 22°C and it's sunny.

Defining Tools

A tool consists of several key components:

interface LlmToolConfiguration {
name: string; // Unique identifier for the tool
description: string; // Description of what the tool does
executor?: LlmToolExecutor; // Function that executes the tool
params?: ZodObject | JsonSchema; // Parameters the tool accepts
requiresConfirmation?: boolean; // Whether tool calls need approval

The recommended way to define tool parameters is using Zod schemas. This provides type safety and automatic JSON Schema generation:

import { z } from 'zod';

const weatherTool = {
name: "get_weather",
description: "Get weather information for a location",
executor: getWeather,
params: z.object({
city: z.string(),
units: z.enum(["celsius", "fahrenheit"]).optional(),

Using JSON Schema

You can also define parameters using raw JSON Schema:

const weatherTool = {
name: "get_weather",
description: "Get weather information for a location",
executor: getWeather,
params: {
type: "object",
properties: {
city: { type: "string" },
units: { type: "string", enum: ["celsius", "fahrenheit"] },
required: ["city"],

Tool Execution

The executor function receives the parsed arguments and optional context:

type LlmToolExecutor = (
args: object, // Parsed arguments
context?: Record<string, any>, // Optional context (visible in logs)
secureContext?: Record<string, any> // Secure context (not logged)
) => Promise<object>;

const weatherTool = {
name: "get_weather",
executor: async (args, context, secureContext) => {
const { city } = args;
const apiKey = secureContext?.apiKey;
// Make API call...
return { temperature, conditions };

Using Tools in Requests

Basic Usage

const response = await jorEl.text("What's the weather like?", {
tools: [weatherTool],
context: { defaultCity: "Sydney" }, // Available to tools
secureContext: { apiKey: "secret" }, // Available but not logged

Controlling Tool Usage

You can control how tools are used with toolChoice :

const response = await jorEl.text("What's the weather?", {
tools: [weatherTool],
toolChoice: "auto", // Let the LLM decide (default)
// toolChoice: "none", // Disable tools
// toolChoice: "required" // Force tool usage

Multiple Tools

const response = await jorEl.text("What's the weather and stock price?", {
tools: [{
name: "get_weather",
description: "Get weather data",
executor: getWeather,
params: weatherSchema,
}, {
name: "get_stock_price",
description: "Get current stock price",
executor: getStockPrice,
params: stockSchema,

Tool Approval

You can require approval before tools are executed:

const response = await jorEl.text("Transfer $100 to Bob", {
tools: [{
name: "transfer_money",
description: "Transfer money between accounts",
executor: transferMoney,
params: transferSchema,
requiresConfirmation: true, // Requires approval

Note that this is only supported with using agents. See the Agents section for more information.

Streaming with Tools

Tools work seamlessly with streaming responses:

const stream ="What's the weather in Sydney and Melbourne?", {
tools: [{
name: "get_weather",
description: "Get weather data",
executor: getWeather,
params: weatherSchema,

for await (const chunk of stream) {

Advanced Usage

Tool Context

You can pass context to tools that isn't visible to the LLM:

const response = await jorEl.text("What's the weather?", {
tools: [weatherTool],
context: {
userId: "123",
preferences: { units: "celsius" },
secureContext: {
apiKey: process.env.WEATHER_API_KEY,

Error Handling

Tools can throw errors which are handled gracefully:

const weatherTool = {
name: "get_weather",
executor: async ({ city }) => {
if (!isValidCity(city)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid city: ${city}`);
return await getWeather(city);

Retry Configuration

You can control how many times a tool can be attempted:

const response = await jorEl.text("What's the weather?", {
tools: [weatherTool],
maxAttempts: 3, // Maximum attempts per tool call

Working with Agents

Tools are particularly powerful when used with JorEl's agent system. See the Agents section for more details on how to use tools with agents.